标题:七年级上册-Module 4 Unit1 we’ve got lots of apples

时间:2021-07-12 | 来源:高正

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students can get familiar with some phrases and sentence patterns: let’s go shopping for..., how about..., food and drink, be good for,etc.

Ability aims:

Students can understand the meaning of the dialogue through listening.

Students can make new dialogue about going shopping.

Emotional aim:

Students will feel the happiness of speaking English and will be more confident in speaking English.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Students will have a firm grasp of new phrases and sentence patterns.

Students can apply listening strategies: making prediction, extensive listening and intensive listening.

Difficult point:

Students can make a role play of a short dialogue in a specific situation.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Greet students and show a picture of fridge whose door is open. Ask students a question “what can you see in this picture?”.

(Justification: A description of that picture helps students learn more words about food, which will make preparation for the following study.In addition, today’s topic is introduced into the class. )

Step 2 Pre-listening

Based on previous step, teacher use questions and hints as well as pictures showed in lead-in part to introduce new phrases and sentence patterns:let’s go shopping for..., how about..., food and drink, be good for,etc.

(Justification: This step helps students clear obstacles. Students will understand the following dialogue better.)

Tell students that fridge is our good friend Tony’s, and there is something happen to Tony’s fridge, can you make a prediction on what happened to Tony’s fridge?

(Justification: A prediction will easily get students’ attention, which can stimulate students’ imagination and creation and create a nice learning atmosphere.)

Step 3 While-listening

Activity 1:extensive-listening

Ask students to listen to the dialogue for the first time, and check their prediction.

Then ask students “ what’s the dialogue mainly talking about?”

(Justification: Students will grasp the main idea of that dialogue quickly, meanwhile they check their prediction.)

Activity 2:intensive-listening

1.Ask students to listen to the dialogue for the second time, this time they should pay more attention to some detail information. Give students 5 minutes to fill the chart and check together.

2.Propose another two questions for students to answer.

(1) Will Tony get cola or tea?


(2) What will Tony’s Dad get?


(Justification:Student will have a deeper understanding about this dialogue, furthermore this dialogue will help students move to the next step.)

3. Play the dialogue for the third time, ask students to read after the listening material, meanwhile focus on their pronunciation and intonation.

(Justification: This step helps students correct their pronunciation and intonation.)

Step 4 post-listening

Give students 10 minutes to role play the dialogue, one student acts Tony’s father, another student acts Tony. Students can add any plot they can image, they can use words which they came up in warming up part.

Students could write down their plot, then two students in a group act their dialogue out.

(Justification: This activity can improve students’ comprehensive ability, whether speaking or acting. More importantly, students will acquire happiness in learning English.)

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Invite one student to summarize what we have learned today.

Homework: Ask students to search more useful phrase and sentence patterns, which can be used in shopping topic.

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