标题:八年级上册- Alice was sitting with her sister by the river

时间:2021-07-12 | 来源:高正

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can have a firm grasp of new words: rabbit, follow, fall, hole, strange, Adventures in Wonderland.

Students can know some information about Adventures in Wonderland.

Ability aim:

Students will apply those new words in their daily life talking about English films and books.

Emotional aims:

Students will increase their interest in English.

Students are more willing to show themselves in front of others.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key point:

Students can speak and make sentences with those new words.

Difficult point:

Students can role play a selected section of Adventures in Wonderland.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Greet students and show a picture of Adventures in Wonderland., ask students to describe the picture. Then ask students what they know about the story.

Invite some students to share their prediction and give appropriate evaluation.

(Justification: Vivid picture could easily attract students’ attention, students will be more interested in today’s topic. All of that can create nice atmosphere for students to learn following step. )

Step 2 Presentation

Ask students to read the discussion on textbook and check their prediction right or wrong.

Ask students to circle words they don’t understand and share with each other. Students could pick their unknown words and write them on blackboard.

(Justification: This activity can lead students to learn with each other meanwhile new words will be presented on the blackboard.)

Use pictures, hints, questions, electric dictionary and etc. to teach those new words: rabbit, follow, fall, hole, strange, Adventures in Wonderland. Then invite students to read it one by one in groups.

(Justification: This activity could help students grasp the sound and meaning of those new words.)

Step 3 Practice

Play a game finger show. (The teacher marks those new words with number1,2,3,4... one by one on blackboard. Then introduce the game rule: teacher shows one finger, students should say the words marked 1;Teacher show two fingers, students should say the words marked 2...)

Give students 15 minutes to make new sentences with these new words, and then write down their sentences. Later students will exchange their paper and check mistakes.

(Justification: Game could stir students’ learning enthusiasm, and this game could help students memorize the sound and meaning of those new words.)

Step 4 Production

Show a section of Adventures in Wonderland, make students a group of four, ask students to act roles of that video. Students should use new words in their performance and teacher could provide other words and phrases to help students express their ideas, if necessary. Students could learn dialogues of Adventures in Wonderland first, then act them out.

Pick several groups to show their performance in front of all class.

(Justification: This activity can greatly stimulate students' performance and creativity. Their initiative will be fully played, moreover, students can apply what they have learned in class.)

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Invite one student to summarize what we have learned today.

Homework: Ask students to rewrite Adventures in Wonderland in a short story. Students should share next time.

Blackboard design:





