标题:高中英语 Unit3 Understanding each other-Reading

时间:2021-02-09 | 来源:高正

Teaching aim:

Knowledge aim:

Students can master the expressions about cultural differences.

Students will get familiar with the topic of culture and learn how to talk about different cultures and customs.

Ability aims:

Students can master the reading strategy to understand the use of examples.

Students will be able to get the main subject of the conversation through fast reading and the detailed information through detailed reading.

Students can talk about cultural differences in their daily life.

Emotional aim:

Students will learn to respect different cultures and customs.

Students will be more confident in speaking English in public.

Key and difficult points:

Key points:

Students can get the detailed information through careful reading.

Difficult points :

Students can apply the expressions into daily communication.

Students can show respect for different cultures.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming up

Show some pictures of different wedding ceremonies in different countries and ask students to guess the country.

Justification: Attract students’ attention and lead students into the class naturally.

Step 2:Pre-reading

Show the title of the reading passage and ask students to predict what aspects of cultural differences the passage involves. For example:

T: Dear students, what is the title of our reading passage?


T:Yes. Correctly. It’s Cultural Differences. What kinds of cultural differences do you know?


T: Food, marriage and festival and so on. Excellent. You all have a broad knowledge. Of all these kinds of cultural differences what do you think the passage talks about?


T: Good job. Now let’s read the passage and find out if our prediction is right or not.

Justification : Arouse students’ interest in this lesson by asking them to predict what the passage is mainly about and help students to have a basic understanding of the topic in the reading text.

Step 3:While-reading

1.Global reading

Read the conversation quickly and find out the cultural differences the passage talks about. Later, ask some volunteers to share their answers.

Justification: Train the skimming ability of students and enable them to get the general idea of the passage as quickly as possible.

2. Detailed reading

Read the passage carefully with the following questions.

Q1: In the west, when is the polite rime to open a present? Why?

Q2:What surprised Peter about the wedding ceremony in Korea?

Q3: what drink is not permitted in Brunei?

Q4: What kind of food do Brits eat at Bonfire Night?

Justification: Improve students’ reading strategies to find out the detailed information and understand the use of examples.

Step 4:Post-reading

Divide students into groups of four and ask them to have a discussion about cultural difference in 7minutes. And the discussion should be related to the following questions.

Q1: What do you know about cultures that are different from our own?

Q2: Why do we need to find out about other cultures’ traditions?

Justification: Help students to have a better understanding of cultural differences and improve their speaking abilities.

Step 5:Summary and Homework

1. Ask students to make a summary of the cultural differences mentioned in the text.

2. After the class, ask students to write a paragraph about how people can understand each other’s cultures better.

Justification: Consolidate what they have learned in this class and broaden their horizon.

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