标题:七年级下册Unit 5 Amazing things语法课

时间:2021-02-09 | 来源:高正

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can grasp the grammar point of simple past tense.

Ability aims:

Students can use simple past tense correctly to talk about their experiences in the past.

Students can summarize the rules of simple past tense by autonomous learning and cooperative learning.

Emotional aims:

Students will be more interested in English grammar learning and active in taking part in class activities.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Students can grasp the grammar point of simple past tense.

Difficult Points:

Students can use simple past tense correctly to talk about their experiences in the past.

Students will be more interested in English grammar learning.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Show students some photos about the teacher’s last weekend. Then ask some students how about their weekend, where they went, and what they did.

(Justification: this topic is close to both what students will learn in this class and their daily life, so it will help to lead in naturally.)

Step 2 Presentation

① Show two pictures about Millie and Amy on the screen, and ask students: “What did they do last month? What did they do last weekend?” So the students can tell: “A month ago, they went to Sunshine Park. Last Sunday, they visited the Palace Museum.” The teacher will write these two sentences on the blackboard at the same time.

② Group work: students work in group to find the rules of simple past tense. They can refer to the example sentences on the blackboard and the instructions on their books to find the similarity, especially on the verb.

③ The teacher invites some groups to share their ideas, and help to conclude the rules:

Meaning: to express the things that happned in the past

Regular form: -ed e.g. walk --- walked; live --- lived; cry --- cried; stop --- stopped

Irregular form: put --- put; write --- wrote; make --- made; teach --- taught; am/is --- was…

(Justification: students can cooperate well with others, and by summarizing the rules, their autonomous learning ability and inductive learning ability can also be trained.)

Step 3 Practice

① Mechanical drilling:

Write the simple past tense of the following verbs:

start love play plan

reply say meet hear

leave tell stand bring

(Justification: students can simply practice how to change a verb into its simple past tense form to consolidate the grammar point.)

② Meaningful drilling:

Look at some pictures and describe what they did last weekend, for example:

Peter took some photos of the lovely animals.

Some of the students were on the playground, and some went to the library.

(Justification: by doing so, students can understand the meaning of the simple past tense better and actually use it.)

Step 4 Production

Students make a conversation in pairs to talk about some of their interesting or amazing experiences in the past. Then the teacher will invite some pairs to perform in front of the class.

(Justification: it can help students improve their speaking ability and they can apply the grammar point into daily use.)

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Invite one student to summarize what we have learned today.

Homework: Write a short passage about the experiences they have talked in the class.

(Justification: it can help students consolidate what they have learned in this class and their writing ability can also be trained.)

Blackboard design:





